Class Specialization
Scored SeedSet
SeedSet that uses scored Seeds.
Scored SeedSet
SeedSet<TPosition, TSeedSpec, TScoringScheme, TSpec>
Type that saves the positions and upper/lower bounds.
Remarks: Positive and negative values are needed.
The Seed specialization.
The scoring sheme to use.
Specialization of
IteratorType of iterator objects that are used to traverse the container. (SeedSet)
SpecThe spec of a class. (SeedSet)
ValueType of the items in the container. (SeedSet)
addSeedAdds a seed to an existing set. (SeedSet)
addSeedsAdds several seeds to an existing set. If a merging or chaining algorithm is used seeds are added if the merging or chaining fails. (SeedSet)
beginThe begin of a container. (SeedSet)
endThe end of a container. (SeedSet)
globalChaining Calculates the best global chain using the Gusfield-Algorithm with scores (ManhattanDistance) and without.
maximumDistanceSets the maximal distance between two seed during a chaining process. (SeedSet)
qualityValueSets the minimum length for a seed to be saved permanently. (SeedSet)
setMaximumDistanceSets the maximal distance between two seed during a chaining process. (SeedSet)
setQualityValueSets the minimum length for a seed to be saved permanently. (SeedSet)
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